ANSA @ AAS 2024 Conference program online


Tuesday November 26 - Friday November 29

University OF Western Australia (Perth)


ANSA is organising several events and activities during this year’s AAS Conference, taking place at University of Western Australia in Perth.

Details about the events can be found on our special conference web page.

We will organise a Pre-Conference Day workshop, specifically aimed at honours, masters, and HDR (postgraduate/PhD) students on the day before the conference. The ANSA Panel - Becoming Anthropologists will take place over two days on 27 and 28 November. Alongside and during the conference dinner, we will host the Ethnographic Salon and the price giving ceremony for the Visual Anthropology competition. On Tuesday, 26 November, evening, we’ll host our AGM, where ANSA members can share their voice and elect a new Executive committee.

Check out the website for all the info:

Below are some of the testimonials we received from the participants who attended the ANSA Pre Conference Day last year:

Meghan Lee, University of Melbourne

“The Safety in Anthropology panel, with three speakers including Catherine Trundle, was my favourite part of the day, because it aired a lot of questions, concerns, and half-formed worries that I'd felt unable to voice during my PhD research up until that point. I enjoyed the honesty of the conversations, and the safety and support provided by the space. It also helped me think about some of the challenges of research in terms of the opportunities they might present, and I became curious about what I might be able to bring to the space in future work. This is something I explored in my article, 'Being human and "hanging out": Mutuality, trust, and "voice" in youth participatory research.

I would have liked to know more about where everyone had come from- especially since some people had travelled very far! Perhaps a map on the wall where people could put a pin or a mark in the place they were studying and/or living?”

Dr Rodrigo Perez Toledo, recipient of the AAS 2024 Post Doctoral Fellowship

“I really like the pre conference day last year. Is always good to meet other colleagues and get to know their research topics and perspectives. My favourite part of the event though was the workshop on writing. In the same table there was another student who similarly spoke about the relevance of learning the language of her ancestors and how she strives to write it - they use a different writing system altogether. When I listened to her story, I realised how similar it is to mine (I’m also trying to learn my ancestors language - Diidxazá meaning Cloud Words) and I really enjoyed the feeling of sharing this situation with someone else.”

Carlos A Ramos Garcia, The Australian National University

"I attended the ANSA's Pre Conference workshop for the first time and it didn't disappoint. The sessions were engaging and thought-provoking. I especially wanted to attend because of my main supervisor Dr Francesca Merlan being there, and also, Dr Kathleen Openshaw asked me to present my research. I liked Dr Openshaw's session on safety in anthropology, which was an essential conversation to have with students and ECRs. The pre-conference day provided an excellent opportunity to network and meet fellow anthropologists and researchers; I think it would have been great to expend more time on that."



Visual Anthropology competiton 2024: Winners announced!


ANSA members get admin fee waiver for AAS membership