join ansa

If you would like to sign up as an ANSA member, please fill in the form with your most recent information.
We recommend using your personal email (not your student email!) to ensure we won't lose contact with you.

If you need to update your membership type or wish to cancel your membership, please contact us.

There are two types of ANSA membership:


Paid members of The Australian Anthropological Society (AAS) and may be considered for grants or prizes organised by ANSA and the AAS.

NOTE: if you are joining the AAS as a new member: as an ANSA member you can have the $20 sign up fee waivered. Sign up on the AAS website as usual and then just email to let them know that you are an ANSA member and they will apply the waiver!


ANSA members who have not signed up with the AAS. These members are not eligible for grants and prizes, but are welcome to join events and use ANSA media resources.

Both types of membership are free, and renew annually.


    • Eligibility for Honours/Master thesis prize (AAS membership required)

    • Access to ANSA events & community

    • Receive our monthly newsletter

    • Short lines of communication with professional anthropologists

    • Postgraduate student mentorship

    • Help with finding honours opportunities

    • CV builder: association membership is important for your academic portfolio!

    We’re working on securing funding to organise an best anthropology paper competition as well, and are advocating for free AAS conference attendance for undergraduates who are not presenting.

    Email the conference organisers to volunteer to get free or discounted conference attendance for now!

    • Eligibility for ANSA scholarships and travel grants (AAS membership required)

    • Eligibility for visual anthropology competition

    • Access to ANSA events & community

    • Receive our monthly newsletter

    • Short lines of communication with professional anthropologists and academic networks

    • Develop your CV through being a Postgraduate mentor; serving on the exec or as a university representative; and association membership.

    • Expand your network and advertise your work & events through the ANSA newsletter

    • Eligibility for ANSA scholarships and travel grants (AAS membership required)

    • Eligibility for visual anthropology competition

    • Access to ANSA events & community

    • Receive our monthly newsletter

    • Continued affiliation with the academic field and professional anthropologists

    • Develop your CV through being an ECR; serving on the exec or as a university representative; and association membership.

    • Expand your network and advertise your work & events through the ANSA newsletter

Sign up